Recipe for making a hand-made quote
 A dash of goodwill, a sprig of inspiration
Two tablespoons of unconditional love
heaps and heaps of understanding
 In the normal day to day world, we usually think that we have to be good at something in order to try it…
I’ve found that that kind of thinking doesn’t fly in be the cause…and it gives me hope. Because there really are no limits to what someone can or cannot do when love and service is involved.
I have realized that my mind doesn’t only work in one way. I’m creative, yet have learned how to hear a different language and pretty much understand what is being said through non verbal behavior(smiles, tone of voice, hands in prayer)…I have learned the basics of travel and how worry and fear can be completely wiped out by the warmth of community. I have seen events put together with an incredible ease despite the overwhelming amount of work ahead. I have found myself completing initiatives in a volunteer group that I would usually shy away from and immediately doubt my knowledge of a subject and close the book without letting myself go through the steps needed to learn. We are harsh judges of ourselves at times…what I’ve learned is that mountains move when compassion, inspiration, hope and love are involved…
 Here are some quotes that relate:
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin
If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.
A saying from Zimbabwe
Progress involves risk. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.
Frederick Wilcox
Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden
I put the recipe listed above to be clever possibly, but mainly to show that no particular skill, ability was necessary, and the truth is…there was no recipe involved in making these hand-made quotes…as long as it comes from the heart, there is no mistake.