Be the Cause

Walk For Hope

I love the picture that you guys are using on the web for the WFH. It
reminds me of a story I used to read as a child called ‘The Holy
Shadow’ about a saint who used to do a great deal of good without ever
knowing it…like how a star diffuses light and a flower perfume.
Wherever the saint walked, flowers bloomed, diseases got cured, pain
was soothed, etc., without being aware of it himself.

I thought this was kinda interesting and relevant to the Walk for Hope
because, although, we never fully know how our own lives and the lives
of many others maybe touched by events like Walk for Home and
Compassion Cells, we (atleast I do) somehow get inspired to keep walking… keep
walking on the path of service like how a star diffuses light and a
flower perfume.

Walk for Hope Update

It is happening!!!

Today, KPFK began to make announcements about the Walk for Hope on their esteemed radio station (90.7 FM for all you folks in the Southern California area… to listen on-line). Today alone, eight people registered for the walk through the website… and the night has just begun.

Tomorrow, the Aware Show on KPFK has asked me to speak about the Walk for about 10-15 minutes. 1pm if anyone wants to tune in.

Is all this an opportunity to get more walkers signed up? Most definitely. More importantly, however, it is just another opportunity to inspire service… and that opportunity exists in every moment of our lives. It exists as we face audiences of hundreds, and it also exists as we sit at Thursday meetings licking stamps on envelopes.

We can never know how many people will attend the walk until 9/11. At this point it doesn’t matter… we have already inspired service in each other. Irrespective of how many people actually attend, I know that the journey itself has been worth it. There is a volunteer out there that spent the day cutting and pasting signs for the walk… the opportunity to do service has transformed her life. She will not be a statistic on the day of the event, yet this Walk for Hope is for her.

Ultimately, we will never know how our actions contribute to the lives of others.

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