Number 8
What does the number 8 mean to you? Every since the talk of the walk happening in modesto, I’ve noticed it a lot more. To begin, the first Walk for Hope was 8 years ago. In it’s 8th year is when the walk spread. The first time was in Florida in March 2010. The next time will be this Saturday May 22, 2010 in Modesto, CA. So there is still a chance to be a part of it all! It is becasue of the walk that brings me here to tell this story.
Last week sometime I recieved an e-mail from a wonderful woman, her name is Michelle.  Michelle was going to make some quotes for the walk, and was wondering that since she lived close to me if she could just frop the quotes off at my house. I replied of course you can, and that was that.
So I check out the sign-out sheet for the quotes, and see that Michelle has signed out many quotes. It was a sweet sight to see. Everything is coming together. I come home from work last Friday, to find in my room this amazing pile of quotes. A good day it was. It was intoxicating, reading each quote, the smile on my face getting bigger, the warmth in my heart….spreading.
Sukh asks me to write blog. So here we are. I go to count the quotes for the first time….1..2..3..4..5..6..7….8. There it goes again, it’s fun! As I was writing this noticed that the qoutes were delivered 8 days before the walk. What does it mean?
– Niccol Wiley