Be the Cause

I am back in the Groooove!

Hi everyone!

Today was my first day out in the bazaar.. roaming around hopelessly trying to figure out which “dookan” (store) I should adventure into. I was quite confident roaming around today. Noone was really staring at me… even though i was wearing my Prada shades! I was in a pink Salwar kameez.. with flip flops… and a small teeny tiny bhindi on my forehead. My hair was pulled back in a clip.. barely leaving a few strands around my face. I knew i had everyone fooled when the rickshaw guy asked me if i was a NRI (non-resident indian) or a local…. yes!!! :)

Something as simple as this task is very important to me. It’s not very common to have a single indian girl traveling around india… alone. So the quicker I seem like a local the less I look like an opportunity… and that means in any form.

So I have been out and about since 10 am… it is now 6pm… gonna get dark soon.. gotta head home. By the way, if you guys could hear me… I am slowly picking up the Indian accent on my English here… last time it took me a few months… but now it just feels natural. The head nodding has not kicked in yet.. haha. And this is not to be sneaky or anything…. it actually helps many of the locals understand what the heck you are saying in english if it has the twist that they are use to… thats all. Of course.. my sisters would call me a FOB just about right now. :)

missing everyone at home… I am hoping to find out about South India within a day or two… might be heading to Chennai sooner then I thought. Slowly I am getting the feeling that staying till May will still not be enough. Play the cards you are dealt…they say..right?

lots of love to everyone



  • Cheryl Egbert

    Thank you so much for keeping us posted on the blog…love. It’s so wonderful, not only am I anxious to hear about your service…so beautiful; but I love hearing, and learning, about other cultures…also beautiful. I will be tuning in often. You take good care of yourself now.

    Love and hugs,

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