Be the Cause

Peace Project

Yesterday, I didn’t celebrate 4th of July. I don’t like the idea of fireworks when I know my taxes fund bombs.

I was thinking about how conscious and unconscious we are. I don’t live with the expectation that there will ever be a time where wars won’t exist. But I need to feel that we can make conscious decisions with our governments when they should end.

To be clear, I do appreciate the freedoms I have. I have freedom to say I don’t believe in gods and not be burned at the stake. I have the freedom to write this blog and not have to be shipped to be “re-educated”. I have the freedom to research how democratic tax dollars were spent on non-democratic practices. I do celebrate the freedoms I have every day. I also forget and take them for granted and I probably need a government holiday to remind me to celebrate it with the other citizens.

Yesterday, the fireworks made me feel sad and hopeless. They remind me of bombs.

I was thinking about some of the ongoing be the cause projects. Every week we meet to serve outside the jail. Every month we meet once or twice to serve women at the Downtown Women’s Center. I was thinking a few of us could meet once a week or once a month to create something towards peace. Maybe Rahul and Adnan can help us produce a youtube video that helps people take a look at all the wars that we don’t get to think about and maybe we can promote it til 1,000,000 see it. Maybe we can research about how much money is spent on wars. Maybe we can think about how to change some of the obfuscation that governments do like call the department that deals with weapons contracts the “Department of Defense”. Maybe we can discuss how to talk about this stuff with people outside be the cause without it becoming an argument.

I don’t want to allow people to think that I’m being critical about just the united states. I think all governments are flawed when it comes to this stuff. I can’t think of any government that promotes peace or constitutes non-violence. I was just thinking this stuff last night as there was a big fireworks show outside my house and wanted share. People make governments and we should be able to write up or somehow express economically or creatively that “We the people do not want war.”

Gil Scot Heron said something like If we all worked for peace like we say we believe in it, it would happen already. I’m happy to see so much intention going towards ending wars. I want to learn to have conversations about how it should be easier to end a war than it is to start it. The direction my thoughts are going towards is that how to bridge that intention into fruitful effort.


  • Michele

    Very nicely put, Sapune. I shared your entry with Ben this morning. It was sort of humbling to do so because we had a difference of opinion yesterday evening about going to see a fireworks display. For me, I wasn’t feeling particulary patriotic, I just wanted to get out of the house, set up a blanket at the beach and watch some fireworks after being in the house studying all day. Ben on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the fireworks at all, and I just couldnt understand what the big deal was about. I think he felt the same way as you. Perhaps you just explained it better. Thanks for giving me something good to think about.

  • Criselda

    A part of me is happy to live in a city that doesn’t sell fireworks, but the other part of me is disappointed that I can go to the local pier or park to watch a beautiful Firework Display. I can sit back and watch people pretend to be oblivious to this action poluting our air, depree poluting our ocean, and a few people using this day to find a reason to drink and get behind the wheel. I chose to stay home and close my windows that shook to the sound, a sound that triggered the thought of “WAR”, and wondered, what does this day mean to those who have survived war, American or Foreigner, who have returned or now live in this country. What is really patriotic about this day, when even after the Fourth has past I am still hearing my neighbors set off left over fireworks.

    It would be wonderful to gather a compassionate group of friends and simply just be within the chaos of our ever changing world. A time we can embrace each other with love; An energy of Love that we can transfer from our hearts to the universe.

    Walk in Gentle Peace and Love

  • michele

    Thank You Sapune and Thank You Criselda. After reading your entry Criselda, and rereading your entry Sapune, I realize that although “I” don’t view the 4th of July with any sense of victory or nationalism, but the fact that I have a take it or leave it attitude is really a luxury because I’ve never had to experience my country being bombed from ground and air. I never gave much thought to how others who have come to America from war torn countries (especially ones that America has torn up) might feel about 4th of July. I will never think of 4th of July the same way again and I thank you both for that. I will never again take a day that represents killing and destruction for granted as just another day off from work. That’s not right. From now on, I’ll use each 4th of July to send love through my thoughts and actions into the universe. It’s the very least I can do. Thank you both again. Michele

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