Be the Cause

December 9th, 2004 Friday

We landed at 1:30 p.m. exhausted from our flight. We are greeted with humid air but beautiful mountains and green lands. We stuff all 34 suitcases full of donations into two vehicles, along with our personal luggage. Its alot of baggage, but its all for a good cause. We load up in our 17 seater van, with Karuna serving as the semi-tour guide ( with her mic) as she blurts out little facts that the driver, Sharky, tells her. Finally, arriving at Cape Carnival our hostel on Long Street, central tourist area, we carry all 34 plus bags upstairs and check in. A quick meeting and freshening up, and off to dinner at the cafe downstairs.

After dinner, we all meet to do a south african compassion cell. We open up all the suitcases, and seperate all the donations into categories of age in the small hallway of the hostel. Its crazy mad… tight place..lots of stuff…lots of us… and we are all tired. But finally around 11 p.m…. we finish. Bags are sorted.. and we are ready to hit the sack.

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