All We Need Is…
The kitchen was abuzz with creative energy. Mounds of chopped carrots, a pot full of peas, boiling pasta, and large pans of aromatic brownies baking in the oven. The Be The Cause angels were busy at their heart’s work – contriving yet another compassion-filled day in which to extend more goodness into the world.
Aside from their efforts in cooking a hearty meal for the many women and children at the Lydia House, what they did cause, in a fluid, nearly effortless sense, was an almost immeasurable entity that is so often overlooked in the busyness of service – LOVE.
These are the tender souls who submit unto LOVE, in lieu of looking for it as an outside entity. It flows so quietly and peacefully among them – streaming so delicately towards all those they encounter.
They then further poured their hearts towards the children – engaging them in a craft activity and creating laughter and enchantment in a space that is often so weary and forsaken. Many of these precious children have been accustomed to harsh and painful circumstances, the likes of which should never touch the fringe of innocence.
Upon viewing this loving interaction with the kids, one of the staff members made an observation, which I’ve often heard repeated. She said that although food is greatly appreciated, it is out time that is most valued among them.
I feel as if time is an entity, which is easier disbursed than our devotion and caring – a gift so lovingly presented by those who served at the Lydia House that evening. Their LOVE was indeed a gift to behold – one that I am thankful to simply graze on prized occasions such as these.
That evening, a certain simplistic notion drew near to my heart and one that continues to linger: that in the graceful and effortless words of one of the greatest musicians of our time, maybe all we need IS love.
(See Photos in Gallery, entitled: “Serving at the Lydia House.”)