Lap of Luxury!
Well all of us are feeling extremely guilty having landed ourselves in the lap of luxury on a service vacation! The president of the local Rotary Club happens to own a very very nice hotel in the better section of Quito and has put the group up at a greatly reduced rate. We have carpeted rooms with blow dryers and coffee in the lobby and a great restaurant that serves a complete breakfast buffet for $4 American. It seems a crime to be feeling so spoiled! We are heading out this morning to work with 300 children (each of us are to be assigned 20 kids apiece to play with – my Canyon Acres friends will laugh to think of me back in the mix again without even being able to speak the language!) I am looking forward to getting back into the “service” part of this vacation because – as wonderful as Machu Picchu was – it really didn´t give me the same kind of high as I felt working with the children at the orphanage in Cusco or the dancing with the wheelchair recipients our second day. When I look back at the pictures I feel that overwhelming sense of connection and love that all of us experienced and just want to be able to share that with the Ecuadorians also. More later!  (And I keep forgetting that it´s almost Christmas. There are so few indications of it here compared to back home. It i not commercialized at all and there is so much more emphasis placed on the nativity and spiritual aspects of this holiday. In any case, I wish all of you a very warm and loving holiday; hopefully you will be with those you love…)