Be the Cause


We have arrived in Cusco the gateway to the Andes.  it is definitely the most foreign city that i have travelled to, where business men in cell phones pass by Quechua women in traditional dress selling their wares on the street.  The altitude has gotten to some of the folks in our group but so far I am doing okay.  As you can see the Internet is ubiquitos now, 10000 feet up in the Andes.  The Internet cafes are jam packed with young kids jamming with headphones on probably downloading tunes to their Ipods.  We visited a church and a museum today where a local university student narrated a tour for us.  We learned all about the ancient cultures (pre-Incan) that inhabited this area.  This gives us a great knowledge base in preparation for our trip to Machu Picchu on Thursday.  A couple of us hand a wonderful meal for luch today that would have cost 25-30 dollars a plate in the states and was around 12 dollars here.   The presentation was so phenomenal that we took pictures of the food!  Others waiting to blog so I will sign off for now.  Much love to family and friends (Zoe and Mr Big too!)

One comment

  • gianna

    bharti and everyone is probably aware of–cocoa leaves supposed to help with altitude problems…I think it’s grounded up in tea? And maybe there’s some herbal non toxic remedy. It was lariam that got us loopy…now cocoa leaves~lol. Thinking of all of u! Macchu exciting!

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