Be the Cause

We’re in Delhi!

Today we awoke to Jayesh Bhai from Manav Sadhna awakening us and a heavy, but heartful drum played by Jaget Bhai to keep us awake…since our flight left for New Delhi at 6:30 in the a.m.

Some of the core group from Sughad…ESI institute…also were wide awake and accompanied us to the airport.

Last night, we had a phenomenal night…it was our goodbye and thank u to the group and Sughad, which included many of the Manav Sadhna crew, and some children, adults from other service projects we were a part of during our time in Ahmedabad.

It was a joy for me to serve this night…I learned how to spill colorful sand onto the floor in a design called Rongoli…a few days back, I learned how to do not too shabby of a job…rolling burritos. And then there was a repeat performance last night…where we made quesadillas, tacos, burritos for 50-60 native folks that we have befriended and will always hold dear in our hearts.

So we made food, decorated the premises and showed a slide show of much of our journey…thanks to Laura and Brittney who got the pics in a powerful slideshow…that brought back these incredible lessons and journeying into service…from washing kids in the slum to painting pillars at a local school to working with mentally challenged adults and blind students…who we guided up stairs and down slides…what an experience…valuable and one not ever forgotten—with the bonds we made and such.

The beauty of India has touched our hearts…the weather is cold…the streets are dusty…but the spirit of the people burns bright…even the sounds of the horns on the street…kind of beats to a common song.

So we conclude the service part of our time in India…but I am confident some other service opps will be in our midst…some other random acts of kindness…presented to us.

Happy New Year’s everyone!!!


  • Michele

    Hi Gianna and Everyone!
    Thanks for the update! Your trip sounds absolutely incredible. I can’t wait to see you all when you return! Happy New Year to YOU! Love, Michele and Ben

  • Gianna, It’s so great to hear from you!! It sounds like you guys are having a great time!! Can’t wait to hear all of your stories when you get home. Keep us posted on your adventures!

    -love jeska

  • Hi..
    It makes my heart happy to realize all the good things that are happening in this world.
    You guys aren’t just changing your lives. It’s directly effecting the once you are helping.. and people around you like your families & friends… even the strangers that are reading these blogs… it melts the hearts of my friends who never even met you guys. The world needs more people like you guys. May all of you have much more strength to accomplish what you believe.

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