Be the Cause

Orange County Food Bank

This month’s compassion cell was as eye opening as it was fulfilling. We gathered at the Food Bank, prepared to help with whatever was asked of us. Our energy was put to good use as we helped to label boxes for storage. We created a sort of assembly line effort, and we concluded the afternoon feeling rather productive. And, as usual, we worked contently with a buzz of chatter.However, we then gathered into a room to watch a video about the Food Bank and what they do. Most were genuinely surprised at the hunger in the rather affluent Orange County area. Our excitement of volunteering our time and being together was directed appropriately to the reality of why we were there. We showed up ready to work, and left with a general sense of urgency and understanding of a problem in need of a solution. We concluded the day in a circle to focus on what we had taken from the day. We all seem to have left with a renewed sense of awareness and ready for next month’s Compassion Cell.

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