Be the Cause

30 Days of Impact

Not sure how it all began. I guess it was just a continuation of something before. 30 days of Impact. Already I can sense we are heading somewhere.

On the third day we restocked some food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. It is the simple pleasures my roommate always says. I think I understood this on that day. As we labeled soup cans and ramen noodles, there was silence in our motion. It was as if our lives reconnected with what we were supposed to be doing: Helping others. Isn’t that why we are all here… to feel what it is like to help others.

Throughout this journey, we met with friends. Friends that share a common vision for the planet. Friends that encourage me to be more of who I truly want to be. We met on Thursdays, on Sundays, during the week, and on weekends. We chatted during work hours, while driving, and while eating. We took every opportunity we could to push our species forward… inch by inch.

And then we made more friends:

Gabriella Miotto from Tias Arms, the external speaker of the month, taught us about love. How helping others in a different country can actually be a rewarding experience. Her slide show on Chiapas, Kosovo and South Africa brought sadness and encouragement, all at the same time. Gabriella taught me… that I can still do more with my own life. … and how great it feels to know that a little boy is sleeping soundly in a make-shift hammock because the relief team realized that the boy isn’t used to sleeping in soft beds.

… and today I went even deeper within myself to assess my own prejudices. Michelle Adinolfi, the internal speaker of the month, not only showed us where we were as a species during the times of Hitler, or how far we may still be from Rev. Martin Luther Kings’ vision, but she also showed me where I have been, where I am, and how far I still have to go. We all carry our own prejudices.

In these 30 days I have been honored by the commitment of my friends. We have reorganized ourselves in a new committee structure to make the work that we do more efficient and more meaningful to the universe we live in. I know that great things lie ahead.

The greatest impact to me, however, is in the moments to come. Our greatest work yet, is still ahead of us. Onward then, to the mouths we will feed, the sick we will console and the smiles we will create.


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