Be the Cause

Love Life – October

After the Walk, I have had several conversations with numerous folks on the structure of Be the Cause and how we proceed forward on upcoming projects. The conversations at times have been energizing and at others times, confusing (right in tune with our secret slogan of “confused into service”) :) . Although the path that lies ahead is not very well defined… it is still our path. Be the Cause, to me, has always set out to be different and to accomplish what most people consider to be impossible. … I think that all of us have witnessed the impossible many times in the last three years. Whether it is a food donation that came in at the last minute, a volunteer stepping in to take over a task that would have gone incomplete, or 500 people attending an event that was organized entirely by volunteers. Although none of these impossible feats have gone without hard work, dedication, or “trade-offs”, what we have accomplished has been nothing short of miraculous.

Embarking on achieving the impossible, however, means that there is no precedent path to follow… we will always be testing new waters, we will always have to find our own way, and we will always be at the beginning.

Maybe it is true what they say, that the “joy is in the journey”. Maybe it is those moments of uncertainty that define our greatest growth. We live in a world that is constantly focusing on end goals and preparing for something that will exist in some future date… and yet, the real changes that are happening, are happening right now.

The other day I thought of Be the Cause as the proverbial stew. Each and every one of us contributes a special ingredient. If we choose to put our love, compassion and integrity into this pot, then that is what we all drink. Thank you for choosing to put the best of what you have into something that is shared by so many.

I look forward to more “beginnings” with you all and to achieving many more milestones that most will consider impossible.

Someone once asked “what is the secret to Be the Cause?” People want to bottle up our secrets and distribute them to others. To me our secret can be written with four letters: “L – O – V – E”. What else are we doing? What else are giving away? I replied that there is definitely something special about service… unfortunately all I know is that it has nothing to do with me.


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