Be the Cause

Thanksgiving Meeting

Hello All,

This Thursday there will be no BTC meeting. Thursday is thanksgiving… which means that it should be no different than any other day of our lives. I hope that we all continue to reflect on the infinite gifts we have received in this lifetime… and always remember that many go without. Thursday, let us take time to look within, not because of experiences exchanged between Natives and Resettlers, but rather because it is simply a chosen day to express gratitude.

A friend of mine dropped off a journal today as a gift for BTC’s upcoming travels. This is my first entry:

“Today I received this journal. It seems that my entire life has been about giving and receiving gifts. As if that is our purpose here, to give and receive in the natural flow of life. In all honesty, I have received much more than I have given… much more than I could possibly imagine to give. If this journal is an indication of the journey’s that lie ahead, I know my life will be filled with many more gifts that I will never be able to repay.”

In the spirit of giving (and receiving),

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