Be the Cause

Missing the Little Ones Especially…

Was scolded a bit, with love I might add, for not writing more in the blog while I was away. So here are my simple thoughts after being home for a while… As much as I missed home while I was away, and special thanks to those that gave me cuddles and hugs to try and soothe – so appreciated, it did so help; however, as much as I missed home then, I miss some precious little ones now. I miss the little girl who took hold of my finger and lead me to help her on the poddy and change her clothes each time, not once but four times, so cute, so sweet. I so miss the little girl, Prudence, who just sat quietly next to me for a good two-three hours, her hand on my leg, little cuddles, so precious. I so miss the little girl, who was really a little boy, at the beach party – I wish I would have known then, I would have shown extra TLC, such a precious little child, eyes so full of joy and love…I want to be with this little child and talk again. I loved them all and more… I miss the people at the Hospice, so brave, so beautiful, so inspiring. I miss doing service in Africa. I know I’ll find some nice opportunties to do service here, but my heart in the meantime pines for the service done in Africa…want to do more and better service.

With love always,
God be with you,

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